ICSEB implements new measures to guarantee safe medical care due to COVID-19

The new measures come according to the extraordinary actions to restrict mobility and social contact established by the different national and international health authorities, together with the indications of the Management of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB). New and reinforced safety, prevention and hygiene conditions have been implemented to guarantee the protection of our patients’ and staff’s health, as well as public health.

We provide medical care to patients from different parts of the world at ICSEB, and we have the obligation to inform each of them of the new measures to be taken into account to guarantee their safety and reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.

Our administrative team, made up of contact personnel who communicate in more than 16 languages, provides all the pertinent information to schedule medical appointments and / or surgical procedures with all the particular recommendations that each patient needs to know.

Therefore, before coming to our centre, ICSEB previously informs patients and any visitor about the new organisational measures and about their obligation to cooperate in their compliance once they arrive at the ICSEB. 

The adopted measures are the following:

  • It is advisable for anyone with any symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath, general malaise, etc., to postpone their visit to our centre.
  • When a medical appointment has been established, we request to arrive at the agreed time, avoiding early or late arrivals. 
  • Upon arrival at the ICSEB, we ask to wait at the door until you are assisted
  • Upon entering ICSEB, the reception staff will take patient’s and accompanying person’s temperature with a digital thermometer. If the temperature is higher than 37ºC, or you have a cough, a cold or other symptoms, we reserve the right to reschedule the appointment.
  • All patients, visitors, and staff members must wear face masks. Surgical masks will be provided to the patient and their accompanying person.
  • Greetings with physical contact should be avoided.
  • The safety distance of 1.5 m must be kept. 
  • Paying by bank card will be the preferred method to pay for the medical appointments on site.

The patient will notice the following when arriving at ICSEB: 

  • That the capacity has been limited to meet the interpersonal distance requirements. The waiting room has been organised to ensure the safety distance.
  • ICSEB has established isolation measures in the doctor’s offices with the installation of methacrylate divisions.
  • Informational posters with guidelines on the use of  face masks and social distancing have been placed.
  • The maximum organisational scheduling measures have been taken, so that when you are in the centre you will notice the absence of crowds during consultation days.
  • Disinfection of the consultation rooms, waiting and meeting rooms and equipment is guaranteed after each medical visit, with frequent deep cleaning in all consultations as in remaining other areas of the centre.
  • The supply of hand sanitiser is guaranteed on the premises, available to all.
  • Our staff is checked daily regarding their health status.
  • Working from home is prioritized, control of contacts in the daily environment - avoiding public transport -, personnel and network of possible contacts are monitored.
  • A further implementation of the possibilities of remote postoperative follow-ups offered is offered for patients, when this is possible according to medical criteria.

ICSEB Management


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