The Filum System® Method Halts the Progression of Idiopathic Scoliosis

Dr Royo-Salvador’s theory involves the important discovery of the cause for Scoliosis, which had been considered as being “idiopathic”, as to say “without known cause”, up to the 1990ies. 

Thanks to his etiological explication we now know that Scoliosis can be a clinical manifestation involving an abnormal traction of the spinal cord caused by an excessively tense filum terminale; it is an expression of a Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome and/or Filum Disease. (“Siringomielia, escoliosis y malformación de Arnold-Chiari idiopática. Etiología común”, Rev Neurol. 1996 Aug; Volume 24, Nº 132; 937 – 959 Dr Royo-Salvador MB).

Likewise, we know that by applying the health method Filum System® in patients with a mild Scoliosis or one with a curvature of less than 40º, in the majority of cases it is halted in its progression and/or can decrease by some degrees. Furthermore, the symptoms accompanying this condition do not increase or worsen as would be the case throughout the natural disease course, but rather they may see alleviation or may disappear.   

Case no. 19753. Control x-ray of the whole spine, 8 years post – FS® 
       2001: 12.14º dorsal, 16.29º lumbar,  
       2009: 1.84º dorsal, 10.54º lumbar.

If I am affected by Scoliosis - why do I need to get magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnostic stage?

Ours is a neurosurgical institute, it studies and treats Scoliosis with the perspective of the spinal cord inside the scoliotic spine. Magnetic resonance scans are therefore required to explore the state of the spinal cord. Additionally, we ask for an x-ray of the whole spine that allows exploring merely the bony part of the spine and the curvature alteration in front and profile view.  

Case no. 18084. It can be observed on the magnetic resonance image how the spinal cord is adhered to the internal part of the spine
If I have a Scoliosis of more than 40-50º, will its progression be stopped with the surgery? 

At more than 40º of idiopathic Scoliosis, the curvature of the spine depends not only on the action exerted by a tense filum terminale but also on the force of gravity pulling downwards on it.

It may be possible that with the Sectioning of the Filum terminale the curving of the spine can come to a halt, but it is also possible that it may continue to worsen, however, in a slower manner than it would do without treatment, as one of the causes for the scoliosis is eliminated.

Our medical team assesses the most appropriate post-operative indication for each patient in these cases: rehabilitation, physiotherapy, brace, spinal fusion, etc.

           Caso no. 10493. Control x-ray of the whole spine, one year post – FS®
      2009 (left) / 2010 (right). Outcome without spinal fusion

As my scoliosis is of more than 50º, orthopedists and trauma surgeons have told me that I will need to get my spine fused. Why and when (before or after) would I have to undergo the Sectioning of the Filum terminale surgery?
Our medical team approaches idiopathic scoliosis from a neurologic and neurosurgical perspective. With idiopathic scoliosis, the spinal cord suffers, because it is tense and tight within the spinal canal. The sectioning of the filum terminale eliminates the spinal cord tension and the force that accentuates the curvatures, emanating from the filum terminale, disappears.
This action is fundamental in any case; if possible, it is preferable to apply the sectioning of the filum terminale treatment prior to the spinal fusion, in order to avoid the risk of paraplegia that the latter procedure entails as the traction of the spinal cord increases as it is straightened.
If, on the other hand, the patient has already undergone the fusion procedure it is equally convenient to proceed with the sectioning of the filum terminale as it will alleviate the traction of the spinal cord originating from the filum terminale with the additional value of straightening the vertebral canal.




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The Filum Disease – Definition (2)