Publication on how the shortness of the filum terminale can represent a feature in fibromyaliga
The physicians Roberto MANTIA, Marco DI GESÚ, Ángelo VETRO, Fabrizio
MANTIA, Sebastiano PALMA and Ángelo IOVANE have pointed out the
possibility of an existing relationship between the Filum disease and the predisposition to develop the fibromyalgia syndrome.
This was stated in their recent scientific piece published in the MUSCLES, LIGAMENTS AND TENDONS JOURNAL 2015; the authors used a group of 42 patients that were diagnosed with fibromyalgia in a first place and were later re-assessed through magnetic resonance imaging.
The full article can be found here.
We want to encourage the authors to continue with this interesting line of research that certainly agrees with the theory that Dr. Miguel B. ROYO SALVADOR has been advocating for over 40 years now.
This was stated in their recent scientific piece published in the MUSCLES, LIGAMENTS AND TENDONS JOURNAL 2015; the authors used a group of 42 patients that were diagnosed with fibromyalgia in a first place and were later re-assessed through magnetic resonance imaging.
The full article can be found here.
We want to encourage the authors to continue with this interesting line of research that certainly agrees with the theory that Dr. Miguel B. ROYO SALVADOR has been advocating for over 40 years now.
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