International Arnold Chiari Syndrome Day
On September 28, the International Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Day is celebrated, with the main objective of generating social awareness about this disease that is still little known; which generates a series of problems for people who suffer from it.
Unfortunately, most of the patients we attend at Institut Chiari & Siringomyelia & Escoliosis de Barcelona, apart from the pain they suffer, report having spent a long time trying to obtain a correct diagnosis and suffer from a lack of understanding regarding their symptoms. -both by health professionals and family members-.
For this reason, we want to join this day to show all our support to the patients and relatives who live with this pathology -which is much more frequent than it seems-, providing the most valuable tool: information about this syndrome, based on more than 40 years of research by Dr. Royo Salvador and his team.
This link explains the different types of Arnold-Chiari Syndrome, the symptoms and the treatments available for Arnold Chiari type I Syndrome.
Since 2007, our Institute has been involved in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of Arnold-Chiari Syndrome and other pathologies considered of unknown cause, which, according to our research, are manifestations of the Filum Disease and today have a treatment that stops the evolution of this disease and improves symptoms.
On this September 28, we want to draw attention to the importance of a correct diagnosis and treatment. Because wrong information can lead the patient to make a wrong decision; which would imply very serious consequences for his health.
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