
Showing posts from 2021

International Arnold Chiari Syndrome Day

  On September 28, the International Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Day is celebrated, with the main objective of generating social awareness about this disease that is still little known; which generates a series of problems for people who suffer from it. Unfortunately, most of the patients we attend at Institut Chiari & Siringomyelia & Escoliosis de Barcelona, ​​apart from the pain they suffer, report having spent a long time trying to obtain a correct diagnosis and suffer from a lack of understanding regarding their symptoms. -both by health professionals and family members-. For this reason, we want to join this day to show all our support to the patients and relatives who live with this pathology -which is much more frequent than it seems-, providing the most valuable tool: information about this syndrome, based on more than 40 years of research by Dr. Royo Salvador and his team. This link explains the different types of Arnold-Chiari Syndrome, the symptoms and the treatments ...

The Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) awaits you!

We are delighted to share the good news with you: thanks to the good evolution of the pandemic, the increase in the vaccinated population -including ICSEB staff-, the decrease in travel restrictions by the Spanish government, and the decrease in the rates of infection and mortality; from now on,   our Institute will again receive patients without the need of carrying out a PCR-test or any analytical test related with Covid-19 to access the medical visits on our premises . We will continue to apply all the necessary precautions to ensure your protection:  the use of masks, hand hygiene, and interpersonal distance. We hope that with the new possibilities of international travel and the progressive reduction of the restrictions previously imposed due to healthcare measures, many patients who were waiting for this moment will finally be able to travel to our center so that our team of specialists can help them as soon as possible. You can now book your medical appointments!