New Quality Management Award

Award Ceremony
Past Friday, 16 March 2018, at Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB)’s main offices, Ms. Eva Subirá Jiménez, Director of AENOR Catalunya (Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification), officially delivered the Quality Management System Certification based on the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard*, for the following activities:
  • Research, diagnosis and treatment of Filum Disease
  • Diagnosis and treatment of neurosurgical diseases


Dr Miguel B. Royo-Salvador, ICSEB’s director, was the first to speak during the event:
“…we have the important responsibility of delivering an excellent service to our patients by applying the best management, technology and innovation formulae. Hence, we do not only foster medical and research activities as such, but also organizational adjustments in order to develop the capacities that enable us to realize a genuine knowledge transfer onto medical society”, as was pointed out by the Spanish neurosurgeon and scientist.
Mrs Eva Subirá emphasized:
At AENOR, we have been observing and accompanying for several years now the work under way at the Institut Chiari de Barcelona, a significant reference in business development and the contribution of permanent improvements to people’s health conditions and quality of life. I want to congratulate you, again, for earning the new ISO certification 9001:2015 that will allow you to take an important step towards perfection, reinforcement and development of your activities…” 
Mrs Safaa El Idrissi, Quality Management coordinator, highlighted that:
“… the work accomplished is the result of the combined effort of every one who forms part of ICSEB”.
The Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona Team with Mrs. Subirá

* ISO 9001 is a collection of certifiable international norms and standards that regulates the quality management of organizations. It focuses on the efficiency in managing processes and tasks to meet clients’ requirements and needs. Currently, the most recent version of the Norm is ISO 9001:2015, established in September 2015.


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