Patient testimonial - Maria do Socorro
Cícera dos Santos tells the story of her sister, Maria do Socorro, diagnosed with Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I six years ago and operated by means of suboccipital craniotomy (SOC, decompression surgery) four years ago. After the surgery, the patient coninued to get worse: intensification of the pain, breathing difficulty, loss of strength in the upper and lower extremities and many other symptoms. Due to the deterioration of her clinic, she had to start using a wheelchair to move around since August 2017. In addition, Maria do Socorro lost her voice (*) in April of last year. For this reasons it is her sister, Cícera, who is telling her story in this video. Cícera explains that, after the craniotomy, her sister had started investigating about her pathology on the Internet and that she had found the ICSEB and it was like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. From that moment, both of them started a big group effort to make the trip to Barcelona viable. ...