Filum System® Patient testimonials

Many of the patients who have been diagnosed with the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome, idiopathic Syringomyelia, idiopathic Scoliosis and/or other associated conditions, who elected the Filum System® health method as their treatment of choice, show great kindness and generosity in sharing their experiences in written and video accounts for other patients in similar situations to consider and to raise awareness around the globe. Meet some of these greathearted individuals and find out about their stories. Nicolas is today eight year old boy who underwent Sectioning of the Filum terminale procedure at a very young age, with only three years. His parents describe how they first felt about the diagnosis and travelling abroad for treatment and share MR imaging from check ups over the years. The most recent MRI reading indicates: ”currently an obvious decrease of the small hydro-syringomyelic cavity between C6and T1 can is observed”. Read the full account and see the ...