
Showing posts from February, 2015


It is a great satisfaction for all the staff at the INSTITUT CHIARI & SIRINGOMIELIA & ESCOLIOSIS DE BARCELONA (ICSEB) to be able to share with you that our management system has been verified, proven and recognised by one of the best Spanish certifying companies (AENOR), based on the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 standard. Certification Nº:  ER-0081 / 2015 This certification is equivalent to the AFNOR, CISQ, DQS and NSAI certifications in the USA.

The struggle of French patients for the recognition of the Filum System® treatment.

Today we are sharing some news from the Communications Department of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia &  de Barcelona with information regarding the activism of patients in France to fight for awareness of diseases they are affected by, recognition of the indicated treatment and reimboursement of the treatment cost by the public services.