The research (1)
In today’s post we would like to introduce the different findings, fruit
of many years of research and medical practice, which constitute the foundation
of our current diagnostic and treatment method.
Dr. Royo Salvador’s research and studies started out in the seventies of
the last century, in co-operation with the faculty of medicine of the Autonomous University Barcelona. Part
of this research effort was concerned with diseases that are/were considered to
be of unknown cause, as are idiopathic Syringomyelia, idiopathic Scoliosis and
the Arnold Chiari I Syndrome (regarding the latter different ethiopathogenic theories
were proposed at the time, we intent to discuss those further along on this
blog) and its outcome are scientific findings that form the practical and
theoretical basis to our Filum System® method and our Institut’s activity in general.
Crucial findings:
Finding Nº 1 is the formulation of the concept of a new disease that expresses
itself from the clinical viewpoint as the “Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral
Syndrome”. It consists in uniting a group of diseases that affect the human
Nervous System, the skull and the spine and that were considered to be of
unknown cause. The research clarified that they actually share a same
originator, which is identified as an abnormal tractioning of the coccygeal
ligament, namely the Filum terminale. Therefore, the medical conditions in question
can be considered to be expressions or components of one same disease.
Gray662.png - This is a file from the Wikimedia Commons
Finding Nº 2 consists in denoting the set of diseases included in the Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome as the “Filum Disease”. The name derives from
the fact that they appear as a consequence of a congenitally abnormal filum
terminal (tighter and thicker than normal) that cannot be detected on MRI. This
is the case with the Arnold Chiari I Syndrome, idiopathic Scoliosis and
Syringomyelia, Platybasia, Basilar Invagination, Retroflexion of the odontoid
process, Kinking of the brain stem and nocturnal Enuresis.
Finding Nº 3 is the surgical outcome. It represents the elimination of the Filum
Disease’s cause, which again implies that the progression of the involved
diseases stops as well as a possible improvement with regards to reversible
Finding Nº 4 concerns the transformation of the surgical technique applied to the classical
Sectioning of the filum terminale (SFT) into
a minimally invasive procedure, carried out in adults using local anaesthesia
and sedation, requiring a hospital stay of just 24 hours.
Finding Nº 5 reveals that the new surgical technique brings the mortality rate down
to zero and has a very low morbidity rate, with a defining improvement of the
Filum Disease patients’ quality of life.
Finding Nº 6 is a epidemiological discovery: the incidence of the diseases that
coexist within the Filum Disease affect more than 10% of the world population.
Finding Nº 7 regards the guidelines: in order to obtain satisfactory results it does
not suffice to apply the Sectioning of the Filum terminale only, additionally
the “pre-, per- and post-“ operative guidelines that currently form part of the
“FILUM SYSTEM®” have to be taken into account.
Finding Nº 8 points out the macroeconomic savings that the application of the
discussed guidelines entails throughout the international health system.
Currently, our Institut’s professionals pursue investigation on
different of the mentioned levels, following the strictest codes of practice
and ethical standards of medical science, placing research side by side with
clinical and surgical practice in order to avoid a gap between the theory and
its practical application, as so often tends to be the case.
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