
Showing posts from February, 2014

Meeting for patients and professionals in France

We are happy to announce that the "Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation" has been invited by A.M.I.S des M.O.M (Association de Maladies Inconnues Solidaires et Maladies Orphelines ou Méconnues) and its partner associations: Cœur So lidaire, Apotropaïque, «Opération Olivier à Barcelone» to conduct the VIIIth international meeting for patients and professionals in Mâcon (Burgundy-France), on 13 September of the current year, with the cooperation and support of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona .

The Filum System ®: Innovation, Safety and Efficiency.

The surgery of the 21th century has changed radically the different concepts that had remained constant during the 20th century. Patients reject increasingly the paternalistic tone of the old-time professionals and demand more information regarding the attributes of the treatment they will receive and its surgical outcomes. Change and innovation are gradually becoming established in the general opinion and are opening up a space for an increasingly determinant leadership from the surgeon.