
Showing posts from 2014

International staff at the Institut Chiari de Barcelona - Part I

In today's post, we would like to introduce to you part of the international staff in charge of making an appointment at our Institut for patients travelling to Barcelona from all around the world as comfortable and comprehensible as possible.  Please meet our contact persons for Japanese, Italian and Russian patients: Yuka Takahashi was born not so many years ago in the Chiba Prefecture, very close to Tokyo. She graduated in Japanese philology and specialized later on in in teaching Japanese as a foreign language. The ICSEB can be proud to count since 2012 with one of the best “receptionists” to be had. The concept of being a “receptionist” is a little different to how we perceive it in the Western world; for a Japanese it is something difficult to translate, there are many nuances to it. It is only fair to admit that the first Japanese patient that we had the privilege to treat here at the ICSEB, came to us thanks to her.


On 14 November, we had the pleasure to witness the closure of the course “Diagnosis and treatment of the filum disease” , 2nd edition, in the main lecture room of the Filum Academy Barcelona ® .     The event was sponsored by the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation and counted with the presence of Dr Alfonso Rodríguez-Baeza, Anatomy and Embryology professor of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He delighted the participants with a splendid keynote speech with the title “Filum Terminale”.   


Today we would like you to introduce to you a litle further the head neurosurgeon of the Institut Chiari de Barcelona. DR. MARCO V. FIALLOS RIVERA HAS BECOME AN INTERNATIONAL REFERENCE IN THE APPLICATION OF THE FILUM SYSTEM ® SURGERY METHOD.   Behind his calm look and gestures hides the figure of an eminent neurosurgeon, leader of the surgical team that performs the sectioning of the filum terminale procedure according to the guidelines comprised within the Filum System ® Surgery method. His excellent quality and high precision technique guarantee the outcomes to be as expected. Those of us who have the pleasure to know him personally know just how preoccupied he is with every single detail of the surgical process.

2nd International Filum System® Sanitary Course - November 2014

The 2 nd International Filum System ® Sanitary Course will be taking place in Barcelona, Spain, between 10 and 14 November 2014, presented by the “ Filum Academy Barcelona ® ” and the   “Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation” (CSSF), with the cooperation of the “Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona” .


  Today we would like to share a statement by Dr Royo Salvador regarding the advances in the application of the Filum System ® and the medical partnerships that are being formed in order to make the method available to patients on an increasingly broader level.   "Throughout my life as a researcher, I often wondered about the characteristics that would be required of the specialists that would join the Project and make their own the scientific, technical as well as care-related advances involved in a method such as the Filum System ®. In essence, it was absolutely necessary to establish the criteria to define good travel companions.

Welcome Letter to the students of the FILUM ACADEMY BARCELONA®

Dear students,   In the name of everyone at the FILUM ACADEMY BARCELONA®, we would like to welcome you all dearly to this academic year 2014-2015. Since ancient times, mankind has focused on dealing with symptoms of the most varied diseases. Centuries later we see that many of the great names in medicine, those that really left a mark in history, took a step further by interpreting the symptoms in order to find their causes.

Meeting for patients and professionals in France

We are happy to announce that the "Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation" has been invited by A.M.I.S des M.O.M (Association de Maladies Inconnues Solidaires et Maladies Orphelines ou Méconnues) and its partner associations: Cœur So lidaire, Apotropaïque, «Opération Olivier à Barcelone» to conduct the VIIIth international meeting for patients and professionals in Mâcon (Burgundy-France), on 13 September of the current year, with the cooperation and support of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona .

The Filum System ®: Innovation, Safety and Efficiency.

The surgery of the 21th century has changed radically the different concepts that had remained constant during the 20th century. Patients reject increasingly the paternalistic tone of the old-time professionals and demand more information regarding the attributes of the treatment they will receive and its surgical outcomes. Change and innovation are gradually becoming established in the general opinion and are opening up a space for an increasingly determinant leadership from the surgeon.